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Dancers in the FleetCenter

I would have shared my views on this subject earlier but thought I would
read the mail first (200 messages in 2 days!).

I just have to say that this subject has gotten too emotional, but it's the
most interesting subject in months!
Someone said that the persons who are for cheerleaders, their arguments are
'pathetic'. I have not read any argument for any side that has convinced me
or changed my opinion. It is not a great debating subject, as it comes from
mostly what people like. It was a good idea to have the poll, but pity
hardly anyone joined in (myself included, as I was behind in my reading).

I for one, would like to have dancers if I did attend the games but I'm
stuck in Australia. I am 16 and before someone blasts me for being an
ignorant little teenager I will admit that I was not around when the Bird,
Havlicheck and Russell teams were around, so I can see where some people are
coming from.

I think the Celtic's should have a vote amongst the season ticket holders,
as they are the roots of the organisation, and the ones that attend the most

And another idea for halftime entertainment could be amateur dunk comps, the
winner being judged by the crowds reaction. No matter who you are, you will
always admire a good slam. But some of you may just see this as another
decline in the NBA.