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Celtic Stats for 1st Half of Season: Analysis

Here are some stats computed from the data for the 1st half (41 games).
Only the 9 players who logged at least 410 minutes (10 for each of these
games) are included.

EQ = Efficiency Quotient = Pts + Assists + Possessions Gained +
2xPossessions Reversed - FG Missed - 1/2xFT Missed - 1/2xFouls
	Possessions Gained = Rebounds + 1/2xBlocks
	Possessions Reversed = Steals - Turnovers

Per 48 stats show results for each 48 minutes of playing time.

G	41	40	41	41	35	34	40	40	31
Min 	1649	1203	1232	1027	800	751	680	590	577	
MPG	40	30	30	25	23	22	17	15	19		

EQ/G	19.5	10.5	10.5	10.5	9.6	9.1	7.9	5.8	5.6	
EQ/M	.48	.35	.35	.42	.42	.41	.47	.39	.30	

P/G	22.1	13.5	10.8	10.9	7.9	5.6	7.4	4.3	5.6
A/G	3.4	1.9	2.2	4.0	1.5	1.7	2.6	0.5	1.5	
R/G	10.6	3.2	4.8	2.2	5.8	3.0	1.6	3.7	1.5
S/G	2.0	1.2	1.3	1.6	0.8	1.6	0.7	0.9	0.9		
T/G	3.8	1.4	1.9	2.3	1.5	1.1	1.0	0.8	0.7
B/G	0.8	0.2	0.6	0.0	1.2	0.5	0.1	0.5	0.1

P/48	26.4	21.6	17.3	20.9	16.7	12.1	20.9	13.8	14.6
A/48	4.1	3.0	3.5	7.7	3.1	3.7	7.3	1.6	3.7
R/48	12.6	5.0	7.6	4.2	12.1	6.5	4.5	12.0	3.9
S/48	2.4	1.9	2.0	3.1	1.7	3.5	2.0	2.8	2.4
T/48	4.5	2.2	3.1	4.4	3.1	2.4	2.9	2.7	1.9
B/48	1.0	0.3	0.9	0.0	2.5	1.1	0.2	1.7	0.3

A/T	0.9	1.3	1.2	1.7	1.0	1.5	2.5	0.6	2.0
S/T	0.5	0.9	0.7	0.7	0.6	1.4	0.7	1.0	1.3

Especially interesting to me are EQ/M vs EQ/G (compare DBA to DBR), the per
48 stats that adjust for minutes played, 
and the S/T ratio (only BB, AD, & DBR are even or better).

It'll also be interesting to compare the 2nd half stats to these. 
