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RE: Wingfield

R. Bentz as someone who has put into words your strong feelings about a particular player their real abilities and potential for success, of which many times I agree, I might have some valuable insight on Wingfield.  He was a real fave of Trader Bob Whitsett, bringing him to Seattle and then picking him up in Portland.  He was unable to succeed in either location, not having more than a sliver of interest in working hard and being a team player.  He is probably like so many other potential burn outs, with the basic skills, brilliant High School and frequently far too short college tenures.  They hit the big time and crash and burn.  

Wingfield is at best a 12th man on a non playoff team, with in my opinion no business being on a Celtic roster.  If Rick wanted to attempt to rehabilitate a known questionable bum with at least star quality talents, then maybe Derrick Coleman would be a better option.  Wingfield either will find a spot in Europe or he will need to grow up and get a real job like the rest of us.

I hope this helps clear up your curiosity about this "available" former High School Bball star.
