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Those boorish boys

Patrick great post.

As I said earlier Celtic Pride means a lot, but most importantly it means winning with regularity and authority.  You comment here on the 80's titles, and as I noted earlier, Red himself used to be the biggest provocateur of anyone in the league.  His end of the game cigar, infuriated people.  Supposedly he almost got into a tussle with a ref who told him to stick the damn thing, the game wasn't over yet, at least as far he could control it.  Red loved seeing the other coaches react to this move.  He got treated like hell when they were on the road.

I don't discount everyone's concerns about Walker, I believe he will come around.

In the few cases when the 80's team lost or got down at home, and an opposing player would make light of it, Kevin McHale would point to the rafters and say "Rafters Baby" in reference to the dynasty already in place.  He also was known to say "Scoreboard Baby"  when they came back to win or wanted to rub a big win in someone's face.  One player who got him good was Drexler during the only home loss in the 85-86 season. McHale made sure to dish him up a serving of pay back the next time out.

Anyone remember the post game press conference after the big playoff win against Chuck Person and the Pacers, when he bombed away, but the Celtics of course won.  The Pop Gun Man, was bragging on his performance, when along comes Bird to break it up, by essentially telling Person to shut and go home, because regardless of what he had done, they had lost and Bird's team had kicked their sorry butts.  Detlef Schrempf stated later on the plane, that Person was nearly throw overboard, as many on the team thought he had incited the C's to play just that much harder and make sure they beat them.  Now Bird was tough no doubt, but Person was the true definition of boorish, heck even his own teammates didn't want him around.