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Big Korean

First, from TV clips last night, he is a colossal stiff. A real
throwback, to guys who have no athletic talent, but are just big.
Some short(er) guys kept blocking his shots. Bad hands, and no
moves. Moves can be taught, bad hands can't be corrected.
Second, the Canadian team have enough problems getting TV revenue
in Canada. They aren't going to alienate the NBA for a stiff.
Plus Toronto GM-owner-to-be Thomas is USA.

Third, I'll take Pitino to Duncan, anyday. Might take longer, but
in 3 years, who knows? Duncan will be a free agent, and we'll have
beaucoup cap room.

Bob Strauss, loyal celtics fan since 1953 (though admittedly more
loyal at times than others [i.e. last 2 seasons]).

Bob Strauss      "Duke of URL"                   Cataloger
Hunter Library                                   Western Carolina U.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Bob Strauss' 4 levels of Fax machines:
Level 1: Able to fax black and white images on paper.
Level 2: Able to fax color images on paper.
Level 3: Able to fax small inanimate objects.
Level 4: Able to fax large animate objects (i.e., people).
                         --Bob Strauss, 4/23/97