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HI: Not one usually known for inflicting mental anguish upon myself, yes I
left the Celts and this group also. I must confess, I am back on the
bankwagon. I had better things to do than to watch the Celts make fools of
themselves for a few years now. Now there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Nice to know some of you were holding down the fort and being a beacon of
Back on the bandwagon,
Dan Forant 

>From: "David J. Boutte" <djboutte@dorsai.org>
>Subject: Bandwagon
>If Pitino accepts the job, get ready to see a lot of people jumping 
>back onto the bandwagon. Therefore, I propose that TRUE Celtics fans 
>such as those of us who have followed the team on this list for the 
>past few years devise some questions about the last couple of years 
>to test whether someone is really a fan or just a "fair weather" fan.

"A fortunate one"