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What is this crap??  I have no problems with the fact you may support M.L.,
but the way in which you do so is a little much. 
 Do you know what Larry Bird has done for this organization.... the whole
city of Boston??  What is this Opie garbage??

 Would Larry be a better G.M. than  M.L.??  I think so, but that is my
And opinions is what this list is here for.... however.... preferably, well
thought out, intellectual opinions.....  unlike the following post of yours:

>? Is Opie saying that Michael Smith has enough talent to be
>>a seventh or eighth man for some team...and something just happened...some
>>alien took over his body when he played so that he looked like he had no
>>talent. Or...are people just against Mormons in general. Or...what is his

His point is pretty simple here moron, er Paul, sometimes players get on a
team where they are unable to blossom... if you understood basketball, this
would make sense to you.  
And what is this Mormon comment all about??.. BTW, loved the alien theory,
where do you come up with this stuff?.....

> Is it just that he can't judge talent? Here, think of it this way.
>>My wife's a chef, she goes into a restaurant to get a job and says,"You
>>know, for some reason or another a lot of my entrees never turn out right."
>>She gets the job....right? 

...... what is this garbage?? .... 

>And he wants total control? And he's going to
>>rule with an iron fist? One last thing. Peter May has it wrong about Dee
>>Brown and his contract. Also...yes once again...ML made some stupid
>>decisions concerning contracts (I'm unconvinced about Minor) but May
>>doesn't mention Walker, Williams, and Wesley when listing what Carr has
>>going for him. What does Opie have going for himself again?

.... well, why don't you go ask every player in the nba who was one of the
smartest players they have ever played against??..... maybe, just maybe,
that would help when it comes to running an nba team!!....Take a look at
what Isiah, Jerry WEst,  and McHale have done in front office positions..... 

>>Paul M.