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Re: Celtics fans, the time has come.

At  1:21 PM 97.3.24 -0500, Jason Drisko wrote:

>  How about if I write a web page that allows you to submit your name and
>address.  Sort of like an "online petition"?  After a set period of time, 
>I'll print off the file that contains all of the names and addresses and
>enclose it with a letter to ThanksDad and the Clown Prince of Basketball
>(aka ML Carr).  
>  Actually I've already started putting together a page like this.  I was 
>just waiting to deploy it later this week.  My goal would be to have this sent
>out and ML Carr fired before the Draft on June 25th.

I think if you want a lot of people to sign it you and management to take
it seriously you should make the petition a relatively moderate one. "Fire
ML" may not be a position everyone agrees with, nor one that management is
prepared to act on. On the other hand "hire Larry" would be a popular
option that almost everyone would enthusiastically support. Including a
significant number of season ticket holders, or former season ticket
holders -- and indicating them -- would add strength to the proposal.
Indicating subscribers and former subscribers to the cable service that
carries the Celts would add strength to the proposal. Indicating that if
the proposed changes are not made said individuals will not renew their
season tickets/cable subscriptions would also help. 

Before you post the petition on your web page and start collecting sigs,
why not post a draft here for comments. 

Also, I doubt your poll of how many fans want ML fired from both positions
is representative. Most people respond to voluntary polls only when they
have a gripe. 

- -Marc