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Re: Radja

On 17 Mar 1997, SKMISHRA.US.ORACLE.COM wrote:

> My 5 reasons to get rid of Radja: 
> - Can't guard anybody 
has improved dramaticly despite not being exposed to man to man defense
until coming to states

> - Vanishes against physical matchups 
he had great games against Shaq, Ewing, Oakley, and Kemp to name a few.
He scores and rebounds very well against physical players (Mourning flat
out cannot guard Dino) - 
 > - Has a 5.3 mil salary and 3 more years on his contract 
This is a concern, but is in keeping with his point/rebound/block averages

> - Is injury prone
This is a concern, but his injuries do not appear to be chronic (like
Pervis' knees).....he does seem to have a lot of broken bones, but all of
his injuries may be more of a problem with him playing ball year round -
I'm interested to see how well he plays with the summer off.
 > - Team plays much better without him than with him 
I disagree strongly with this one.  I find it hard to believe they would
not win a lot more games this year if Dino had been able to play 35
minutes a game.  Last years stretch run without Dino was impressive, but
they were also without Montross and Williams, Pervis was healthy for the
first time in his stay with Boston, and they were going through the
easiest stretch of the season (of their last 30 games, thae majority were
against teams with losing records).  I will agree there are times Dino is
not as effective as some other options (mainly in the half court), but if
the team is going to run, Dino is a very effective Power Forward or Center
- - most oposing players can't keep up with him in the open court, and he is
a good finisher.

 > - Mishra >