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        a) Philly - No need for Mercer. They've got Stackhouse.

They definitely do not need Mercer and will probably take Battie or trade 

        b) Pitino recruited Mercer, means he knows Mercer (potential,
        habits, abilities, etc) inside out. About the "Mercer being not
        ready for NBA remark", it's just a smokescreen for

Just as Pitino said he would never leave Kentucky, I believe he is bluffing 
and will take Mercer at no.3 if available. And I hope he does!

        c) The "fake" interest in Billups is to try to get some thing in
        return from Vancouver or Denver "for not drating Billups".

Yeah, Billups is a smokescreen, Pitino knows who he wants at three.

d) Trade
        for Baker? Any guarantee he will not whine and want-to-go if the
        situation is the same as in Milwaukee (which is losing, and more
        losing, at least for the next 2 years)

I think the Celts may trade the sixth pick and players for Baker but not the 
third pick.

        Your comments, please.Reg.      Kevin / Singapore /