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Pitino sighting in Framingham

Just thought I'd pass along an interesting tidbit I got
at the "Success is a Choice" book signing in Framingham 
last night:

I was about 200 in line so I knew Rick P. was getting tired
but he said "hi" and I said "Hi coach" and on a whim I asked him
if we were keeping the 3 & 6. He looked up and gave me the 
answer I expected "I really don't know, but that's a good 
question." I wished him good luck and started to walk away
when he kept going and said " I'll tell you what, not if
we can get Kemp." 

I'm sure it was just casual talk but, it was interesting that
he brought it up when he could have just gone on signing books.

Although this probably means one of two things, either we're
are going hard after Kemp or we want nothing to do with Kemp.

Anyway, you look at it though, I guess this puts me one scoop
up on good old Peter May.
