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the n word

Just a thought, but I think the use of the word that begins with an a N
and I can't use it without you calling me racist my friend, shows all
the world how politically correct we've become, when someone posts good
sarcasm to condemn racism, he is condemned not because of the MEANING of
what he said, but because of ONE word that he used, and used correctly.

So, to those who screamed racism, think about it next time.  Would you
ban Huckelberry Finn for the use of the N word when describing Jim.  Yet
who  is the hero the man of character, who would you want on your side,
Jim or the white adults.  Read for content and not reacting to a word in
the way you have been brainwashed by the media.

To all the brothers and sisters out there, I say, adopt the symbols of
racism and take away all their power, emasculate them and watch their
power die.  Continue to battle hate with hate and it will feed unto
itself.  Having been raised white, in the South, against racism, played
ball on any playground I could find anywhere, worked with, and ran track
with all peoples all my life, I know a racist when I see it.  The first
post left open the possibilty of racism, but perhaps has been
explained.  The second was not racist, nowhere close to it and anyone
who flamed the sender in public should apologize in public, he just
sought to ferret out possible racism and spoke the truth.  But as usual,
society would rather hide behind symbols than think and figure out the

BTW, while growing up white in the rural south, born 1953, my heros
included and were encouraged by my parents:

George Washington Carver, (the guide to the North Pole, can't remember
his name), Bill Russell, Sam Jones, KC Jones, [the reason I am on this
list], Jackie Robinson, Maury Wills, Josh Gibson, Josh White, Martin
Luther King, Cassius Clay [even when he still used his white man's name
and that is why I used it instead of Muhammad Ali to show you how far
back it goes, not to be RACIST], Joe Louis, Satchmo, Sammy Davis Jr.,
and others.

When I grew old enough to pick my own heros, I found Jimi Hendrix,
Chief, Colin Powell, Reginald Wilkerson and William Ponder [two friends
of mine from high school], the guy who invented the filament for the
light bulb (can't remember his name), Vanessa Williams, Dennis Johnson,
Juluis Ervin, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Magic Johnson, Joe Dumars [tops in my
book], Tupac Shakur [kinda of a weird choice, but he tried to tell the
truth and unfortunately, was a brilliant man who could not choose to
leave his past behind], Charles Bolden, well, the list goes on and on
and on.

I choose my friends and heros by what I see in their actions and what I
read between the lines, not by what symbols they choose to throw
around.  Don't be seduced by the media and the al sharpetons of life,
learn to THINK for yourself, cause I won't be there with you. {Beatles

Steve Wonder, Smokey Robinson, Wes Snipes, Al Green,  etc.

Think before your programming takes over.

That is all.


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