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Re: Vin Baker

> Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 13:15:41 EST
> From: Defguy2 <Defguy2@aol.com>
> This team is one move away from contention with ANY team in the
> league and that move is VIN BAKER.  I haven't heard anything about
> him signing with Seattle so does anybody know what's up with him. 
> Does he still want to play for the Celtics

Vin seems to be quite happy here with the Sonics, especially given 
their record.  Or at least that's the image in the local papers.

Given the way Ellis and Payton have been playing for the Sonics, a 
lot of the scoring burden is off his shoulders, which makes for a 
less stressful situation.  If I hear anything about Vin looking to 
change the shade of green in his uniform, I'll post it to the list.

Best holiday wishes to everyone on the list.


Donald Mamula    Kirkland WA      mamula@oz.net 
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