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Re: Sprewell's News Conference

I don't mean to be confrontational but what possible evidence can erase
the fact that Latrell returned some minutes later after physically
attacking PJ and threatehing to kill him and going after him again? I
had no real feelings before this incident towards either of these guys.
I heard stories about both of them, That PJ was a stern taskmaster with
a in your face coaching style and that Latrell was prone to outbursts
like the Jerome Kersey incident and that he had a street attitude. My
point is that I harbor no ill will or favorable feelings toward either
person. IMO Latrell is wrong for attacking his coach period and I can
see no one changing that fact nor that Latrell returned to further
thretean bodily harm to his coach. On top of that yesterdays press
conference was an attempt to intimidate the NBA into dropping the year
suspension. The mere presence of Johnny Cochran on the dais made me
think LS was not truly remorsful but just wants to be able to regain the
cash he lost by being fired.He is not a plus for LS as peoples first
thought of JC is that is the man that got OJ off when most people
believe OJ guilty. The support of team members is nice but I must add it
was not ALL his teammates in attendance and Robert Horry is no poster
child for anger management! Everyone read the Michael Wilbon article
from Sundays Washington Post as I found it the best I have read on the
subject. Here is the URL:
  Again Just my thoughts and YMMV!.Later.Mike

Gregory Hurst wrote:
> I will wait until all of the evidence is available before I reply to the
> statement below.
> Greg
> >
> >Of course, Sprewell is going to present himself as the victim here.
> >First,
> >it was because PJ had verbally abused him, so of course, his only
> >recourse
> >was to go threaten to kill him, and then try to strangle him.