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Re: MC's utter brainlessness

On Tue, 8 Apr 2003 18:35:30 -0400, "Kevin O'Neal"
<kevinandt@gmavt.net> wrote:

>>From: The Real Me
>>Subject: Re: MC's utter brainlessness
>>>Isn't Fox the only network "news" organization that comes right out and
>>>*admits* to being a conservative source?
>>Nope. They've *never* said that.
>Yeah, I know.  I was kidding.  Got cha!

Yes, you did! :)

>>>I think the demographics of their viewers would support this.  Their
>>>staffing definitely does.
>The AP specifically sanctioned them as a result.

I never heard *that*. And even if that did happen, it's ludicrous.
Again, I ask what other cable channel has as many people from both
political sides with their own nightly shows, as regular panelists,

>Come on Leslie.  Everyone and their grandmother know that Fox News is a
>blatantly conservative news program.
>Only news program out there that comes out and takes a side.
>It's really no secret,.......despite how hard they try.

The only thing on which I've seen them take sides is them being on the
side of the U.S. after 9/11 and not banning reporters and anchors from
wearing flag pins. 

They only *appear* so tilted to the right because the others are so
blatantly tilted to the left. They're not perfect and I do think they
lean to the right, but far less than, say, CNN is very leftist.


"Every one of the innocents who died on Sept. 11 was the most important person on earth to somebody. 
Every death extinguished a world." -- President George W. Bush, 12/11/2001
