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Re: Trivia Time !!!!!!!!

Main Entry:	ros·trum 
Pronunciation:	'räs-tr&m also 'ros-
Function:	noun
Inflected Form(s):	plural ros·tra  /-tr&/; or rostrums
Etymology:	Latin, beak, ship's beak, from rodere to gnaw -- more at RODENT Date:	1542
1 [Latin Rostra, plural, a platform for speakers in the Roman Forum
decorated with the beaks of captured ships, from plural of rostrum] a : an
ancient Roman platform for public orators b : a stage for public speaking c
: a raised platform on a stage
2 : the curved end of a ship's prow; especially : the beak of a war galley
3 : a bodily part or process suggesting a bird's bill: as a : the beak,
snout, or proboscis of any of various insects or arachnids b : the often
spinelike anterior median prolongation of the carapace of a crustacean (as a
crayfish or lobster)