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Update: Status of mailing lists at igtc.com

[Apologies if this is a duplicate, it contains updated information regarding 
 the address to send mail in the interim -pmm]

On Tuesday, Jan 30 igtc.com's Internet connectivity was cut by PacBell for
reasons still undetermined (anyone who's dealt with an ILEC can share my
frustration).  After 2 days with little/no resolution in site, I have
decided to pursue plan B.

igtc.com was in the process of migrating its connectivity to another
provider when this outage occurred.  Given the current state of affairs, I
have accelerated that migration.  As of this evening outbound connectivity
has been established with the new provider.  However, it will take a while
for the new IP addressing to get propagated by the root nameservers that map
IP addresses to host names.  I expect this will be completely fixed by

In the interim, it is unlikely that you will be able to post to the lists.

If you really feel you need to, you can address mail to
(where "listname" is the name of the list you're subscribed to, e.g.,
celtics, thewho, jettaglx, etc...) and it will get sent.  Bear in mind that 
you will have to manually enter this address when you post (or reply to a 

Keep your fingers crossed that all will be well by Monday.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

- Paul -

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