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RE: Analyze this!

>From: "L. Bird" <pkeets@hotmail.com>
>Subject: RE: Youthrebellionandourfuture
>Yes, the songs to that.  There are a couple where I'm still looking for the

>rest of the story.  I'm afraid Pete's left them hanging, though, and I'm
>of luck.

Sounds like me and my search for the literal meaning behind Naked Eye.

>He's better now than he was in the mid-seventies when he first started to 
>learn how it was supposed to be done.  Up until then, I'd say he had no 

Oh man.
Yet Tommy, WN, and Quad are considered his greatest pieces.
I'm simply not seeing eye-to-eye with you on this entire topic.
Had to happen sooner or later.

>Same with the guitar work.  Back in 1965, Pete had no idea how to 
>play a guitar, so he made do with creativity instead.  It was only later 
>when he learned how to play that we get the wonderful aural effects that he

>comes up with these days.

Well, without knowing exactly when "later" is, I can say I agree with you
here.  You can definitely follow the progress of his guitar playing.  *Which
is why* I can't agree with you at all regarding his lyric ability.  To me,
he was lyrically strong right out of the gate.

>But, whether he THINKS he's still got the ability does have something to do

>with it.

Have we heard any doubt from Pete that he believes he doesn't still have the
ability??  I haven't.  If he were a less confident man, he may have doubts
now after the posts of the last week or two on all lists.
Again, if a new studio album doesn't happen, it's because he just doesn't
want to bother changing where The Who is currently at, or bother subjecting
himself and the band to all the opinions.
>From: Rich <legalize@xmission.com>
>Subject: Re: the unknown element /Quad in NJ 
>I don't need them to prove anything to me, never did, never will.  All
>I ask is that they ignore everyone else's expectations and make art
>that -they- are proud of and are willing to share with me.  That's all
>anyone can ever ask of any artist.  If you get anything more than
>that, consider yourself lucky.  With The Who, we have been so
>incredibly lucky over the years to get more than most.

Well put, and much more diplomatic than my post of the same flavor.  ;-)

Kevin in VT
Stepping off his high horse after yesterday's rant.
To Keets: Since some of my rant was regarding the topic that you happen to
be involved in, I sincerely hope you didn't take offense.  I trust you know
that was not my intent.  Simply OD'd on all the analyzation.