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Mark said:
<There he goes again, making another stupid mistake. OBVIOUSLY Bush didn't 
listen to the lyrics, or more likely didn't understand them. Talk about 
"Meet the new boss/Same as the old boss>

Hey Mark, I only said they played "parts" of it, not the lines that you mentioned. I certainly don't need a lesson in the meaning of Pete's lyrics. No one ever said that the song was taken as a whole, as you suggest.

<I've never pretended I wasn't arrogant, but justifiably so which makes it  OK. Understand, Peewee?  I'm so ashamed at being a fellow Southerner>

That's the difference between me and you, Mark - you think being arrogant is OK - I think, as most real Southerners do, that it's a character flaw - you SHOULD be ashamed even calling yourself a Southerner. By the way, why don't you come to Texas and try calling me Peewee to my face? We'll see just how 'justifiably arrogant' you are then. I promise, I'll be very 'hospitibabal'.

Dan in TX