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Fwd: Cheney Moorhead on O&S

how do you figure they are first cousin?

-- BEGIN included message

> > >>You're almost right. The 89 drummer was Simon Pharskey.  He's actually
> >Zak's first cousin and he happens to be George Harrison's son.
> > >
> > > No, no no. You're thinking of Agnes Morehead.
> >
> >I had a geometry teacher in high school named Mr. Morehead.
> I know a Tracy Moorehead.
> ;)
> keets
    [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  There is a physician in Maryland named Dr. Harry
Bear!  What's that go to do with Tracy Moorhead???
    Nothing!!!  But what the HEY were his parents on?????????

> From: thewho rocks <leb905@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Fwd: Slashdot Poll
> http://www.slashdot.org) the poll for today is about the best summer
> concert, and our boys have, by far, the vast majority. :)
> access from anywhere!
    [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  What were those numbers again......something
like 1,000,000somthing for The Who and the closest runner up was like
2,000????????  How the H can *that* be???  Didn't even know 1,000,000+
people in the world knew The Who were touring this summer, let alone went to
the concerts.  Someone's got some serious time on their hands.  ;-)

> Subject: Re: IGTC vs. O&S
> There are, of course, all kinds of discussions (mostly deragatory)
    [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  I've never understood why that is.  Stopped

>  about
> the differences between the lists.  For me, the O&S is like the fanzine
> Naked Eye (what The Who are up to now) and IGTC is more like Generations
> (discussing what The Who means, etc.).
>         -Brian in Atlanta
    [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  Well, it's tough to label either list as this or
that.  I guess that's not a bad generalization of them.  They both (actually
you!!!) do a great job at keeping all "up to speed".  And, both lists are
guilty of diving into silly discussions (nothing wrong with that).  Both
lists even have a sense of community!  
    Let me check.........nope, nothing derogatory there.
> From: Jeff House <jjthandmeh@juno.com>
> Subject: ROGERS SCAR???
> Oh shit.  I hope I haven't sparked the same inane discussion here that
> made
> me run screaming from O&S.
    [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  Well, at least you said please.

> Can't wait to see what "Lon" Cheney will have to say. Maybe only what Bush
> Sr. tells him to...
>                     Cheers                  ML
    [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  Dave Haller forwarded me a great Cheney joke
(like top 10 list) yesterday.  Dave, forward to Mark!!!!!
    I've unfortunately deleted it.

    Stay in tune,
    Kevin in VT.

-- END included message