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Face fencing; Quad the movie

> As for Pete, I'm not so sure I believe it's a case of "the well running
> dry".  It seems to me he's spent the bulk of the last 20 years trying to
> convince everyone -- himself included -- that he's outgrown rock & roll,


Absolutely. That was a factor.

> Been a fan since I was 16.


This would mean more if we knew how long ago that was.

> peace sign.  Rock was fading.  Disco was gone, but was being replaced by


Hey, it's not gone even now. I wish!

> Page & Crowes cancel shows.  Page hurts his back


You should finish the sentence. "Page hurts his back patting himself on

> All of this was posted over on Odds and Sods long, long ago....


Here too, also long ago.

> And then the ending!  Here I am, watching it on video for the first
> time, going "Wait, wait, he doesn't commit suicide!"  And my kids are
> saying "Mom, its o.k., he probably jumped off the bike, you don't see
> his body going over the cliff, do you?"  Basically, they were telling me
> to chill....stupid, stupid ending.  And now I realize I've spoiled if
> for anyone who has not seen it yet.  I'm sorry.


The ending is controversial, especially to anyone who had seen Harold And
Maude...which had the exact same ending, 7 years earlier. However, it's
pretty obvious that the opening of the movie shows Jimmy walking away from
the cliff.
The ending means nothing except Jimmy walking away from Mod, throwing it
away with the scooter. Rejecting it. The album, of course, has no such
definite ending. It finishes with Jimmy realizing he has a problem. No
resolution or action taken.

> in Jimmy's head.  Putting the conflict up on the screen in the form of
> street fights, arguments and that damnable scooter chase scene at the end
> was a buzz killer.


I realize it would have been hard to show the personalities on the screen,
but they didn't even try. This and the ending is why I think of the movie
as an alternate version of Quad, more a documentary than a film version of
the album. There are plenty of brilliant things about it, like the
camerawork, imagery and the direction. That party scene is incredible, from
the camera touring the room to the view outside showing them dancing in the
window. And the fight scenes...I was very impressed. Good humor, too. I
think the movie was very well done.

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                    Cheers                  ML