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RE: It's the special ones that leave early

>  Keith tried too hard to be all things to all people and forgot himself in
> the process. 
	[O'Neal, Kevin W.]  This statement says it all about Keith.  Talk
about hitting the nail right on the head.  Whether it was due to insecurity,
or what, Keith seemed to have this need to take care of all people, to make
sure everyone was ok and having a good time.  That was his role in life.
Another way of looking at Keith is by using the Rush album title....'All the
world's a stage'.   Moon The Loone couldn't be shut off.  It's a real sad
story, especially when you realize that he had just been able to find the
switch before he died.  Just a bit too late.
	Oh what could have been.
	Now that I'm all depressed.......

	"The suuun iiiiiiiis shiiiiniiiiing..............BUT NOT FOR ME!"

	Stay in Tune,