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PT weekly quote #3

Here's the weekly. It might be a fun weekly puzzle for anyone who collects
articles to try to locate the original source of these..if someone has a
text-search capability it wouldn't bee too hard.  Anyway, here ya go:

When I wrote the first five or six songs for The Who, I was completely and
totally alone. I had no girlfriend, no friends, no nothing -- it was me
addressing the world. That's where the power of that early stuff comes from.

 -- Pete Townshend (quoted in _Rock Talk_ by Joe & John J Kohut, Faber &
Faber: Boston, London, 1994, p. 50-1).

Be sure to read _McKendree: A Burning Novel of Murder and Revenge_
by Douglas Hirt, ISBN 0-8439-4184-7  (available at www.amazon.com)