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Re: Somebody Saved Me

Great, here I am having to be SERIOUS...might as well get it over 
with as quickly as possible.

>>   Yeah, really....What was that Eagles song ? 
>  "Get Over It"............

What was that song I just made up?  Oh yeah, it's "Get Over Yourself".
  You can "Oh spare me..." all you want, but no one can spare you 
from reality.  Here's a few little facts from one of my mum's 
psychology textbooks, "Adolescence: Continuity, Change, and 

- - The rate of suicide for 15 to 24 year olds has nearly tripled over 
the past three decades.
- - Suicide is the second most common cause of death among this age 
group, second only to accidents (this doesn't even take into account 
the many suicides which are recorded as accidents).

There are some problems you just can't get over.  Not on your own.  
It's been three years since my own bleeding boat drifted off and left 
me stuck on a rock.  I made it back, but I had help.  Some people, 
like the ones who ended up as the statistics up above, didn't get 
that kind of help.  "Get over it" is not the kind of help they needed.
  "Get over it" is the kind of help that we could all do without.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean purple hair dye off the 
phone...my incredibly stupid sister decided she had to talk to her 
friends before her hair was dry.  I hope I don't have to make another 
serious post in the near future.  I have enough to worry about in 
real life without having to straighten people out online!

- -Yellow "We now return you to your regularly scheduled mayhem" 