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Re: Quad live at MSG or... Can yah see the real Pete, can yah?

At 01:23 AM 7/17/96 -0400, WFang wrote:

>1) the only one paying attention to "Jimmy" (the 
>same actor from the movie) was Pete Townshend. 
>I think most people felt he slowed down the music...

     FWIW, I thought Phil Daniels was nervous
enough to puddle from stage to rear exit in one
*whoosh*. For non-initiates, the narration slowing
down the songs could be a *good* thing because it
helps keep the context instead of just hopping from
single to single. Certainly he was smoother in Hyde
Park, and it seemed to fit the show better IMO.

>2) Who really needed Gary Glitter or Billy Idol?

     Well, Glitter was the insurance policy against
Roger falling asleep ... ;-}.  I thought Idol was
pretty well cast as the Ace Face, and gave Roger
someone to kick around when he wasn't watching GG.

>3) It was too slow (see #1 above) and the music 
>wasn't LOUD enough for me...

     Hmmmmmmm ... I kinda liked the pace but didn't
think it was consistent. Definitely agree that 7/16 
wasn't *nearly* loud enough.
>Did anyone else seem to feel that John DIDN'T want 
>to be there?

     I thought he was going to clobber someone with
his bass at one point; not sure whether he was
generally unhappy being there or just irritated with
some technical screwups. Hope Fang will follow up &
let us know about that, and also whether the rumor
about Joe Lynn Turner (former Rainbow/Deep Purple/
Yngwie Malmsteen) and the JAE band has some lasting 

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