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Re: Woofing/Pippen

bob miller wrote:

> >Xavier McDaniel abused Jermaine in all phases of the game: woofing,
> >offence, defense.  Afterwards, Tyrone Corbin >and some others had to take
> >him aside and chill him out.
> Says a lot about today's game when woofing is considered an important phase
> of the game.

Well, the fact is that the mind game does play a big part in what goes on in
the NBA.  I saw in the SI interview/article about Larry Bird, he said that he
likes Alan Iverson and that he and Magic felt that way, but wouldn't say it.  X
told me that Bird was the biggest trash talker in the NBA, except he just did
it so the public didn't see it.

I still think that the story that had on the NBC tribute to Bird was great.  X
was told by Bird where Bird was going to take the shot, when (time on clock)
and that he would win the game in X's face.  He did, exactly as advertized.

Should it be part of the "game" I don't know.  But, I do know that Jermaine is
not ready for prime time yet after seeing what X did to him in one-half an hour
on the court.  That was my point.  I hope that George Glymph can get Jermaine
settled down.  His athletic ability is awesome.  He is so smooth and quick.
The only problem is, if you can't control your dribble and someone like X can
pick your pocket, EVERY time you put the ball on the floor, you got a ways to
go.   But, Glymph is a great coach, and went out there to get Jermaine
straight.  I suspect he will suceed.

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