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Re: who DVD idea (plus a note to schrade)

> I don't know why so many Who fans have this complex they are apples 
> and oranges too me.

I know, I know.  But it's like what Jeff Stein says about kids & bands.
Everybody has *their* band.  It's like being in a gang.  You fight for
*your* band.  Guess I'm still a kid. 

> The Who launch all their tours the best way possible, live in concert.

Yeah,....I guess.....

> See a shrink. :)

You're my shrink.  I'm on the couch right now.

> As long as I know I could care less about anyone else.

Is it just me?  Don't others on this list hang out with people who are
seriously into music, bands, etc.?  I can't be the only one who finds 
himself out with friends, drinking beers, discussing music & bands, push-
ing the Who agenda, dishing out Who propaganda.

It's hard (!) to "care less" about it when three dudes are standing 
around gushing over the Stones & I'm standing there in a Who tee-shirt.
They *will* know the power of The Who.  They must.

- SCHRADE in Akron