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Re: Some more research

> To complain is the easiest thing in the world to do.  To be cynical, 
> negative and sarcastic is a breeze.  It just comes naturally.

You're right.  What's really difficult is pretending everything's OK.
Pretending Pete's silence is a sign of his strength.  Pretending Pete's
"explanations" make sense.  Pretending this ordeal will lead to some re-
ligious awakening for Pete.  Pretending all the good he's done justifies
his recent "technical" error.    

> Sum him up without suffering all the hype he's known. 

He's responsible for his own suffering.  The facts are known.  He used
his credit card to access an illegal child porn site.  No, I *haven't*
suffered that kind of "hype."

You seem to be OK with "summing him up" via your own religious views. But
apparently I'm not allowed to do the same because I'm being critical, or
I don't have "The Light," or some other nonsense like that.

> Give blood and there are some who'll say it's not enough.  

Access an illegal child porn site & there are some who'll say it was a
stupid, idiotic thing to do.  And some who'll say that it hurts the people 
he was trying to help.  And some who'll say that fans who've invested a 
lot of thought, support, money, & energy deserve an apology because we're
getting raked over the coals about this, as well.

> How much blood have YOU given?

Oh, I'm sorry I've never developed a destructive addiction which would
allow me to better understand Pete's motives.  Apparently I haven't been
properly blessed by "The Light" & shown the inside of a jail cell.  How
disgustingly normal I am.  I should keep quiet.    

> Fuckin' spectators.

Fuckin' confused, mixed-up, brainwashed religious freak.

> Phoenix house is an organization.  Victims are People.

Yes, here we go again.  Separating the organization from the people.
People good.  Organizations bad.  The fact that organizations are made up
of people.....pleasantly ignored.  La di da di da..... 

> My wife supports Pete 1000%.  She knows what the fuck he is fighting.  
> Her and I both know more than a couple things about *reality* and we 
> ain't complaining.

Enough with your sob stories about your personal tragedies.  For someone
so in tune with "The Light" you sure keep getting shit on a lot.  That's
none of our business.  Save it for the 12-step discussion group.

And on top of that, you think your personal tragedies enable you to
under-stand Pete better than the rest of us.  What deranged hubris.

Pete fucked up horribly & needs to apologize to all those he's hurt.  And
yes that includes us fans.  He's no where near the saint you make him out 
to be.

- SCHRADE in Akron