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Something Trivial-but interesting

>From: "Schrade, Scott"
>Subject: Re: Something Trivial-but interesting
>Now who's doing the stretching, Plastic Man?

Plastic Man can't stretch.  Bad analogy.
Now, Trojan Man, on the other hand.........

>> One, that at sixteen he was a looker, as apposed to the old codger he's
>> become ;-).
>> Two, while a looker, he was a tough cracker.
>Boo!  Boo!  Bad interpretation!  Boo!  Boo!

Sit Down!

>I think the giveaway is the
>clause "I must've been."

I'm with ya........just stop throwing tomatoes!

>If Daltrey were talking about being beautiful
>as a youngster he would've just said, "What a sight for sore eyes I was at
>the time."  But doesn't that smack of too much self pride?

Not if he's busting on himself now.  Like he often does with statements of
getting old.  He even slips one in in private to Pete right before the
encores at Hershey.  Listen carefully.  He says something like "I done got
old!".  Soundboard picked it up.

>When have you
>ever heard Daltrey comment on being a dashing youngster?




>He only
>talks about how he was a thug, a fighter, a thief, & a gang member.  A
>mean SOB.

Yeah, but Pete is always telling us how Rog could get any girl, while Pete
was stuck (no pun) with Pictures of Lilly.
The rough bullies in *my* school, the "hoodlums", weren't gettin' the girls.
I think it's fair to say that Roger had looks, knew it, and knew how to use
I'd be willing to bet that his rough-tough persona was lost to his immediate
He was their little angel.  :-)

>"What a sight for sore eyes *I must've been.*"  I think it's fairly obvious
>he's attempting to say that as a youngster he must've been quite a sight -
>*in the negative context,* not the *attractive* context.

Yeah, yeah, but could easily be interpreted as him being melancholic about
his having left youth, and how young and vibrant he was then.
Think positive!

>Yes, that's right!  But he really means to convey that the "visual perspec-
>tive" of him at a young age was disconcerting & alarming!  Not posh &

The girls back then must have had some strange tastes in boys, then.

>Your interpretation goes against all that Daltrey stands for & all that
>described about his childhood.

That's not true!
You are no gentleman!

He stood for many more things than "hoodlumism, hooliganism, being
disconcerting and alarming".
He was a stud.  He knew it.  He was laying chicks left and right.   Girls to
the left and right unable to even get off the floor from exhaustion. It was
fucking Caligula for Gods sake!  He was also a strong 'take no shit'
independent type that eventually fronted a band and was one of the most sexy
lead singers in history.  My point being that one doesn't just suddenly
realize, in between all the shagging, that you've got good looks.

>He was a fucking hoodlum!!  A hooligan!!  Youth & beauty?!

But in this song he's going down memory lane!  He's remi-nisking on his
youth, from his perspective *now*.  He's saying, I was so young, full of
I can just hear his mum saying to him after a long day at work and cleaning
the house..."what a site for sore eyes you are me lad".
*He* hears it!

>You're just winding me up, Jeff from VT!  I know it!

Yeah, you're right Surely.
And, I can see your point.
Is Roger really that "daft"?
It really still could go either way.


And Jo, stop being so wishy-washy!
Ya with me or not????
Don't jump ship so quickly!
Scott doesn't know what he's talkin' about!

Kevin in VT