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Re: unsung man

> Does this mean Pete is an unsung man, who's
> going to drown, or that he's going to find an unsung man 
> and drown him?
> And, how does that help him find her anyway?

Well, Bargain isn't really about finding or winning a girl, it's a love song from band to audience in the Lifehouse theme.  Pete said something to this effect on the RAH 2000 video.  It can mean a number of things, but I've made two of my own interpretations.

1. The whole song outlines outlandish things that the narrator is willing to do to "find" or "win" the subject.  It uses hyperbole to relate a desperation Pete feels to become "one" with the audience as part of his Lifehouse vision.  The drowning of the unsung man is mere exaggeration to make this point.

2. Pete is specifically referring to his drowning as an individual to be part of The Who/audience union.  As one of four he is already "unsung," but he is willing to go that step further and give himself to the whole of the band AND audience, thus "drowning."
