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Re: agree and disagree

Money does not buy happiness - especially if the drive is recognition - something of which John did not seem to get in amounts he wanted - seems to me that his band did not get a lot of press/recognition, or profit when it toured (or recorded) - certainly compared to The Who - got to be a frustration of a personal dream.

So, yeah, maybe he got to fish in the Caribbean, but not with a young child, or a happy wife,...or with the independence that comes with leading a band and making the decisions....

How about aging - I'll bet you he didn't like being grey, developing a gut, heart trouble, or all of those other things - and I bet it was getting a lot harder to pick up those young perfect body girls for those on night stands on the road - hence the (possible) need for professional company (although, money does clear the air of the meaning and goals of the parties involved).

How about knowing that the best part of your career and talent are behind you? Facing 'retirement' age and not wanting to be there.

His life seems fun-filled to you (and many more...), but possibly not to him.

It is always easier to dream of being in someone else's shoes....


At 09:23 AM 6/20/03 -0400, you wrote:
> There may have been a *need* to tour all the time. A need to be drunk.
> A need to chase women. ....Was he having a good time? I don't think it
> was all that it seems.

Despite your implanted sweeping generalization, not everyone who drinks & uses recreational drugs is fighting off evil internal demons.

Yeah, poor tortured, troubled Entwistle.  Out on the road touring with
The Who & his solo band, both spreading & receiving joy.  Out on the
waters of the Caribbean & Florida Keys fishing in the sunshine, enjoying
nature & life.

What a sad, dark, miserable life he led.  If only he had been saved.
But saved from what?  His pleasurable, exciting, fun-filled life?  Pass.

- SCHRADE in Akron