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>Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 05:47:29 +0000
>From: "L. Bird" <pkeets@hotmail.com>
>...September 11, which
>was to have been the sentencing date for one of Ben Laden's associates in a
>Washington court.

It was reported repeatedly early last week that on the 12th, not the 11th,
an associate of bin Laden's was set to be sentenced in a New York court
(coincidentally, very close to the WTC), not a Washington court.  Are you
sure about this second associate's sentencing, or is it the NY guy put
through a couple of "friend of a friend" filters?

Good point about the WTC's strength. From what I've read it was built as
well as could be reasonably expected.  And you'll be happy to know that it
was one of the first buildings NOT to have its steel beams sprayed with

>Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 06:16:45 -0400
>From: lewinski@icanon.com (Joe Lewinski)
>It took over
>10 years to build the WTC, so we will have at least that much time on our
>reminder clock.

Seven. The architect's Website http://www.m-yamasaki.com/ confirms this
(along with what amounts to a very touching obituary, put up within a day
of the event -- an FAQ about the WTC but all phrased in the past tense.)

I was glad to hear one report that Guiliani had expressed a desire that the
skyline of New York be "made whole".  I'd really like to see WTC rebuilt
(with a memorial included within).


"The commitment of our fathers is the calling of our times."
 -- George W Bush, 9/14/01