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America: The Good Neighbor

In response to . . . 

TRIBUTE TO THE UNITED STATES - editorial from a Canadian newspaper

Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian  television  commentator. What follows is the full text of his trenchant remarks as
printed in the Congressional Record . . .
It wasn't so recent.  Mr. Sinclair made those remarks in 1973 and has been dead since 1984.

Also, in response to the comments regarding England allegedly standing alone prior to 12-7-41, I would point out that our Canadian friends for example were in the fight prior to Pearl Harbor.  In fact, my grandfather (an American) flew for the RCAF in the Battle of Britain.

Insofar as the week's events are concerned, and how we should react, while it is well and good that we should endevor to seek peaceful coexistance with the world, the plain fact is that the groups and nations (yes, nations, as in those countries that have given aid, confort, and shelter to these groups for 30 years) are nothing more than human cockroaches and should be dealt with accordingly.

It turned my stomach seeing a picture of Yasser Arifat donating blood for the victims.  How touching!  Or the dictator of Pakistan, whose government has been propping up the Taliban promising that his country will do all they can to bring the responsible parties to justice.  How helpful!

It does not require employment with the CIA, the Mosaid or whatever, to know that bin Laudin's group, and most of the other terrorist outfits are interconnected.  We know they are propped up by Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, the Sudan, Libya, and probably a few other countries I can't think of at the moment.  The CIA certainally knows where many of these groups operate out of.  Obviously, cruse missiles did not work on bin Laudin after the embassy bombings.  Perhaps the use of a tactical nucular weapon MIGHT have some impact.

Sometimes you need to bug bomb the house to kill the cockroaches.  Now is such a time . . .
