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Subject: RE: Guts, nuts, and what the hell is Pete talking about?

> I've always wondered something similar about "Naked Eye."
> Is it :  When you cover up your nuts....
> Or  :   When you cover up you're nuts....
> I know the lyrics in the liner notes say "your" but I've always
> wondered......Is "nuts" (as in...er...well.....men's balls) also
> a British slang word? (little help !)  Was Pete aware of the U.S.
> slang word (if that's where it originated) and just decided to
> use it?  Is it a misprint on the liner notes?  Am I thinking too
> much about it?  Why do I think of WHO stuff all the time?  Is
> there something wrong with me?  Well, we know the answer
> to that last one, don't we......  Well.....you WHO-freaks are all
> messed up too !!!
> - - SCHRADE in Akron
"   [O'Neal, Kevin W.]  I'm not messed up!  Don't know about the rest of
"you though.  :)

"   I've often thought about these lines as well.  It never has made
"sense to me that by covering up my (your) "nuts" (in this country would be
"the same as guts.....aka "you have no balls" )(as apposed to guts) that you
"are then admitting there is something wrong. How does covering my nuts say
"something is wrong?  I cover them every day!  The only thing that may be
"wrong is that it's bloody cold! 
"   Makes more sense if your is really you're.  And, how does this tie
"into two people with the same name getting different rooms.  I've always
"assumed that Pete is talking about troubles with Karen?  If your is you're,
"then it would say that by not expressing yourself, or covering up you are
"crazy.  Better to get it all out.  Am I reading this correctly?

   I always thought when Pete was singing about "Cover Up your Nuts" he was 
referring to how men act macho and invulnerable around women (especially when
they don't know them well and are trying to impress them).  By "covering 
one's nuts"
you're covering the most physically vulnerable part of your body.  When men 
act macho, they "cover" whatever their perceived psychological or physical 
(such as nervousness).  

   Just my .02.  Others may differ.

- Kyle