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Re: Faber and Faber Web-site

>From: "Lisa" <lisaann@niagara.com>
>Just thought I'd let everybody know that the Faber & Faber website has
>copies of Pete's book Horse's Neck.  I have been looking for this for quite
>a while.  Has anyone out there read it and what did they think of it?

Definitely worth reading.  Full of intimate glimpses into Pete's psyche,
and many images that will be familiar to old Who fans or be recalled by new
ones when they run across them in Pete's songs (e.g., the snake in the
horse's rib cage, etched glass in an acid bath).

Be sure to read _McKendree: A Burning Novel of Murder and Revenge_
by Douglas Hirt, ISBN 0-8439-4184-7  (available at www.amazon.com)