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RE: Dave Elliott at Cincinnati

Dave  Elliott,
     Thanks for replying to my Cincinnati question. Since you were at the 
show, It was your first hand experience I wanted to hear from.  As I said, 
I've read all the writings about the tragedy, but I wanted to hear someone's 
opinion who lived it. (Not that the rest of us are not entitled to comment).
      This sort of tragedy has unfortunately happened at events (namely 
soccer matches) since '79 and despite safeguards, will happen again.  When 
people are killed in this way, shouldn't the band/teams/artist project a 
public gesture of sympathy for the dead? Phony or not.  Maybe Pete's honesty 
was not the best policy.  He's not a 9 to 5 office worker, he's a very 
public figured loved by thousands (myself included) and carries that unique 
responsibility. Wasn't it Charles Barkley who said he didn't ask to be 
idolized.  Well too bad.  Along with the money and the fame comes a sense of 
publicly caring about those that follow/love you.
     Wouldn't it have been cooler if it was common knowledge to all music 
fans that the Who did more than their share to console the families of the 
dead. (i.e. cancel the tour,  dedicate an album).  Instead, we're analyzing 
18 year old quotes looking for the sympathetic gesture.   Does Pete really 
care about Who fans?  Who knows? I'd like to think so.  But just in case 
not, I'll keep idolizing people like my father and keep listening and 
watching people like Pete and Charles.

Dave Kipp