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Re: WhoFest

Emily sez:
>Just wanted to tell "you lucky people" who are attending the Who 
>convention to have a great time!!  I know I cannot wait to hear all of 
>the details when you return ...

Yes!  Have a great time!  Maybe you all should elect a scribe to present the 
"official" version of your travels... though I have no doubt that you'll all 
have interesting experiences that we'd all love to hear (you must realize that 
the rest of us are INSANELY jealous, since we have to stay here on this side of 
the sink and tend to RIDICULOUS problems at work created by complete IDIOTS who 
couldn't engineer their way out of a paper BAG and who have the intelligence of 
a can of PAINT.... oh, sorry... got a little carried away...).

Seriously, have a good trip!

OK, (sigh)