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Re: violin vs harp?

-----------------------  Begin Original Message  ----------------------
Gary, re:

>What??!!   I love that violin!   That was a Keith Moon production, and 
damned it you don't "feel" the keith moon in that when you hear it!!
(It is how a violin sounds if moony played violin....)

I can't even imagine what Keith playing a violin would sound like! I still
the studio version of "Baba" is lame... sorry!

WF <~
------------------------  End Original Message  -----------------------
Actually, you got a good point... Keith Moon playing a violin!! What a 
laugh... I doubt the violin would ever be the same again. 

And, BTW, no need to apologize!  I'm not offended by your feelings... in 
fact, like Marty, I am a big McCartney solo fan, too  (although I have to
acknowledge that he sometimes adds a lot of "CHEESE" to some of his work..)
But, hey:  we both know THE WHO is one of the greatest RNR bands in the 
world, past & present, and that Pete has *written* some of the best RNR 
songs ever....

Oh, and btw, You have made an excellent point about Entwistle solo cds, IE:
marketing....  Perhaps if MCA had a clue SOME of us were interested in 
seeing the solo material released (maybe even "two-fers"), displaying them
with the WHO material would be the way to go....I guess MCA would need to 
suggest this to the distributors when they are shipped, or via stickers as
on the original lp releases  (I remember those blue/white stickers, with 
all four original members pictured...I think I even saved 1 or 2..quite 
