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Re: Invisible Paint Protection; this is so cool!!!!

How much is it and how does one prep one's car before applying?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Collier" <collier@iglou.com>
To: "VR6 Listserver" <list@gti-vr6.net>; "Digest, jetta glx" <jettaglx@igtc.com>;
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 8:49 PM
Subject: Invisible Paint Protection; this is so cool!!!!

Hi everyone,

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about a cool product that
I had installed on the Jetta Turbo tonight. It is called "The Leading
Edge", invisible automotive paint protection systems.

I know that there has been discussions around the boards about how
useful this is; how invisible it is; how state-of-the-art this is; but
now I can actually comment on this first hand.

I had Brian Miller at Autotechnik in Louisville, Ky. install the hood
and 1/4 panel kit on my A3 Jetta after work this evening.

So after work I drive out to his shop in Middleton, WOW, it is a sweet
place; very clean, very professional, and most of all, it was nice to
see that when someone says, "hey, bring it by my shop", that we were not
working out in the parking lot at Pep Boys. He has a multi-car bay
there, heated and very clean. Anyway, I pull my car in, and was worried
that it was dirty b/c it had just started raining after work. No worries
here, Brian, who is the owner, himself cam out, filled up a wash bucket
with warm water and some Zymol cleanser, then proceeded to wash my car.
Well the front half at least :D.

He then went over the paint with a "tar remover" that took any/all road
debris and bug guts right off the paint. He then wiped the car down with
the greatest respect and ease. I really appreciate the way this guy
works. He is treating my car as if it was his own. BTW, I saw his Audi
TT 1.8TQ sitting in the parking lot, sweeeeet!

Anyway, back to my novel :) So he has a computer that uses a
graphics-cutting-plotter to cut these patterns out of the 3M film. It as
so cool. You just bring up 97 VW A3 Jetta on the pc, and voila, the
plotter cuts out the exact size and shape needed. Takes it over to my
car and goes to work.

He let me back in the shop to watch, and bug him!!! Beats the hell out
of sitting in a waiting room, or walking around looking at fabric

So I watch as he puts this clear film on my car, thinking that I was
going to be able to see it. Nope, that stuff went on, just like the
pattern that was cut out. I even went with the 1/4 panel kit that covers
the front edges of the fenders. I am now totally, frontally, protected
against road rash, and flying objects.

Sorry for the long post, but if anybody wants to preserve their
investment, when it comes to the front of your cars, you should call
this guy.

I asked him if he would do mail order, and he said YES!!!! He will sell
to anyone online and over the phone. You just tell him what car you
have, and he will cut the kit right there on his pc, then mail it out to
you. He has one for every car, and has light protection kits too.

Here is his information:

Autotechnik, Inc.
The Leading Edge
204 Old Harrods Creek Rd.
Suite 13
Louisville, Ky. 40223

Brian Miller, president