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Re: America vs Europe driving

I, IMHO, think that it is more than just people driving slow in the 
passing lane or passing on the so-call "slow" lane... it concerns
me more about the way we, non-Europeans, are/were educated in driving.
How many of you actually took a driving course before or even after we
got our licenses? I don't mean the 5 hours classroom course, nor am
I talking about the driver's ed (insurance deduction course). We are
taught how to drive by our parents, relatives, or worse yet, friends
who just got their licenses! So, the regulation of driving were that 
of the people who taught us. Hey, who knew the left lane is the fast 
lane?? My dad who taught me how to drive never mention it. 
Would I be willing to pay more (like the Europeans) to get my license?
Yes, as long as I know that the driver driving next to me is also 
educated to the rules of driving. A safer driving system? Most definitely!

Some of you may disagree with me, but... driving is a privilege, not
a right. 

BTW, it is a moving traffic violation to pass on the right lane, and
other drivers can actually turn you into the police! On the Autobahn, 
of course.

A4 1.8TQ

> >One thing I did notice and LEARNED real quick,
> >you ONLY pass on the left.  At first I started passing anywhichway 
> >and I got quite a few rude gestures .. ;) 
> You hit the nail on the head. People here in the US drive slowly in the 
> fast lane, and fast in the slow lane. Somebody who wants to go fast has 
> to weave and pass on both sides. People don't live by the simple rule, 
> "Stay right except to pass." Am I the only one who sees this as a 
> problem?
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