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Re: veedub-lemons.com

On Oct 15, 12:51am, Tony Mori wrote:
> Subject: veedub-lemons.com

So let me get this straight...you told VW that you wanted a new car
(without clearly examining your state's lemon laws) at the very
earliest on the 12th based on your account (it's kind of hard to tell
the way it's written) and since you hadn't heard by the 13th you set
up that website?

Most lemon laws are set up so that if something has to be fixed 3 times,
*then* you can have the car declared a lemon.  So if they try to fix your
transmission again and still can't, then they'll get one more chance to
absolutely fix it before they even have to consider buying the car

However, it looks to me like you WAY jumped the gun and are overreacting
in an extreme way.  You haven't even given the process a chance to work.
Threatening to call TV stations and setting up websites and such just
seems to be to be a tad childish.

But to quote Dennis Miller, "That's just my opinion.  I could be wrong."

John A. Kilpatrick                        Systems/Network Administrator
kilpatri@sgi.com                       Silicon Graphics Inc., Team TREX
http://reality.sgi.com/kilpatri/	                 (650) 933-4387
                "Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind..."