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Re: Hood Supports: The Instructions

I used the pep boys struts and the difference is that if you put the strut
closer to the body the hood will not close due to the strut hitting one of
the fender bolts.
- -----Original Message-----
From: posaune <leah@erinet.com>
To: Ng, Kevin <Ng.Kevin@nationscredit.com>
Cc: GTI-VR6 List <gti-vr6@dev.tivoli.com>; Jetta GLX List
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 1998 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: Hood Supports: The Instructions

>Ng, Kevin wrote:
>> I just installed the ones from AutoZone based on these instructions
>> (thanks!)-very easy install! But I have a few questions:
>>  -When opening the hood with the new lifts, does it come up smoothly, or
>> fast like it's about to fly off the car? With the AutoZone ones, I have
>> to keep my hand on the hood to prevent it from coming up too fast.
>Yeah, they really took the hood out of my hands the first time I opened it.
>Now I always hold it while opening, but FYI, they do get smoother with age.
>>  -What difference does it make whether installing them with the "strut
>> body closest to the fender" or the reverse way?
>Well, I was told (by Mike Bigus), that the body would bind on.. uhh,
>something -- I don't remember what -- if they were the other way.  Maybe
>AutoZone ones are thinner(?).
>Glad they worked out, anyway.