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RE: O Happy Day II

>Your welcome! I can't believe you still remember that it was me. My GLX is
>totally de-badged, so if you want any of the other badges I ripped off let
>me know.
Of course I remember!!! Eesh!
   Yeah, um, how about I send you another five bucks to cover postage and
you send out your other badges to me? I'd be interested not only in using
one as a tester for painting mine black but also to see which I like
better - "Jetta" or "JettaIII." If you'd like some more dinero than a
fiver, no sweat. Just lemme know.
   Thanks (again)!

          /=-                -=\----/=-                -=\
         /|     -=Thomas J. Boyer<cyng@lamere.net>=-     |\
         \|      -=Tsaim Kurros<pen.mip.net 4000>=-      |/
          \=-                 -=woot=-                 -=/