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Engine/Caliper Cleaning Recomendations?

Howdy all,
I'm going to paint the engine lettering and brake calipers this weekend.  
At the advice of fellow listers, I'll use Testors paint pens for the engine 
and a spray for the calipers.  My wife wants to try yellow calipers but I 
prefer red. 

Prior to doing so I'd like some recommendations on what products to use for 
cleaning the engine and brakes.

Also, I don't suspect there is a Bentley for the 97 model year so where can 
I get info on removing the calipers.

For those intrested, I'm adding the locking fuel door this weekend as well, 
if I find the parts from the scrap yards - thanks to Khan Klatt for the 
procedure documentation/illustrations.


- ---
Jeff Newton
06/97 GLX Blk w/ Leather