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Re: Frank Hughes on Vin Baker

     I have a theory/question I'd love to throw out to Kestas in partciular, 
but anyone can feel free to give it a shot.
     Alcoholism usually is "cured" with abstinence and various psychological 
tools, like 12-stepping, etc.  Depression, on the other hand, is usually 
treated with psychotropic medications.
     Baker is an elite athlete (any major pro sports player is).  Might 
psychotropics knock him down a level - just a tick - so that his game can't 
recover?  On the other hand, is there any reason why a sober Vin can't go right back 
up near the top?
     This is inarticulately phrased, but I hope the gist is clear.
 - Doug

In a message dated 9/16/2003 6:16:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Eggcentric@xxxxxxx writes:

On the other hand, in the absence of brain doctor specialist, Kestas,
who is off in Spain this week for a convention while searching around 
for additional Pau Paus, may I express my doubts that Ainge's favorite 
guru - renowned sports psychologist Jonathan Niednagel - would 
presently assess Baker's psyche as NBA ready.  

Which came first - the depression, the loss of skills, or the alcohol?