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Re: Celtics: Why Should We Be Excited This Upcoming Season?

Easily the stupidest thing I have ever read from WWR, as I would assume most
of us should agree, at this is saying a whole lot btw, is that the Bulls
will be anywhere near the playoffs in the next TWO years.

As we all should be cognizant of at least once and awhile, to have any cred
you need to be really careful how far out on the limb of reasonableness you
go.  Bad mouth the Celts all you want, but at least having an ounce of logic
would be helpful too.

Take care all,

I kept the note about Odom and Miami intact, as I would highly recommend
everyone read the one page piece in ESPN magazine on Odom's true attitude
about playing for Riley.  He admits he is lazy by nature and is deafly
afraid of practices given Riley's rep for being truly brutal, worse on those
who show signs of weakness.  I wouldn't bet MY lunch money on the Heat
anytime soon.

Lastly, the articles on Pedro and why no one will win the SB this year makes
for entertaining enough reads to justify buying the mag alone as well.  I
think Pedro stills is a Red Sox player isn't he, or is he already gone given
it is September.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Way Of The Ray" <wayray@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <celtics@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Celtics: Why Should We Be Excited This Upcoming Season?

> So, the Celtics are shut out of the the first three spots in the
> Conference.
> Will the Celtics playing at their peak, end up fourth in the Conference?
> Unlikely.
> There's the little matter of Orlando, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Miami
> and Chicago.
> True, the Celtics would be favored over some of those teams, but all of
> them?
> Definitely not, and right now, Orlando seems a better candidate to
> finish fourth
>  in the conference.
> The Bulls meanwhile are simply too loaded with  talent and depth to keep
> missing
> the playoffs. Immaturity and youth have been their biggest drawbacks,
> but the addition of Pippen should act as a catalyst to rectify those
> problems.
> I mean look at the starting lineup: Curry, Chandler, Pippen, Rose, and
> Crawford.
> Very impressive.
> And then there's the Heat. Ol' Pat Riley has had two great drafts in a
> row,
> and that will certainly help with this season's standings, but the real
> keys
> are Riley not micro-managing the Heat into a walk-it-up team and Odom
> staying
> focused.  Miami like Orlando will be going with a talent rather than a
> position lineup,
> and I heartily approve. They should have a fun, quick down the
> court, lanky, true fast break team, that is, if Riley lets them.
> Which I think he will, because he utilized a similar style with the
> Lakers.
> And then there's Odom. If he can truly act as PG on offense, PF-defender
> on
> defense and do it  for all 82 games, Maimi will be one of the more
> exciting
> clubs in the NBA  with a high-scoring staring five of Grant, Odom,
> Butler Jones,
> and Wade.
> Ray