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Re: Close of preseason comments

Fine and Dandy? Compared to what? Don't forget they still play in the Western 
Conference. They aren't better than the Lakers, Kings, Spurs or Mavericks, 
even if they don't have a center and Twan is playing. Who are they going to beat 
to get out of the first round? I like to think my prognostication goes beyond 
me simply watching one preseason game. Wally has been stinking for a while 
now and Sprewell is running on reputation and fumes. Sam I Am still got game but 
not enough to prevent first round flameout. McHale has to be hoping for 
injuries of the top 4. Yet, all four of these teams have adequate depth to survive 
an injury and beat the Wolves except maybe if Duncan went down. 

As for the Nets, yes they will be fine. Yet, I don't think they will be any 
better than last year. Mourning at center doesn't seem to be any better than 
Collins or Williams and maybe worse, since their center has to do so much 
passing. Still, being as good as last year is probably enough....


> Your conclusions are poor today, Mr. Jessen. Minnesota will be fine and
> dandy, as will the Nets - last two pre-season games meant and showed nothing
> for those teams.