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Re: O'Brien Extended Today

----- Original Message -----
From: Way Of The Ray <wayray@ix.netcom.com>

> Two years is a meager extension, and a good move by management to
> keep it short. Hopefully, there's a buyout clause.

Oh please, let's not cut Ainge a break this quickly. We've been told, that
is, we all know that Obie is the Dayton Killer, has a constant stupid look
on his face, can't develop any young talent, has no clue on offense - it's
Dick Harter's defense that gets them any wins at all - and is under the
control of Antoine. If Ainge wanted to do the right thing, if he had any
courage at all, he would've fired O'Brien the second the playoffs were over.
Fired O'Brien, fired Wallace, and never made that idiotic promise about not
trading Antoine. I was willing to believe that he was lying about that one.
However with the extension given to O'Brien I'm beginning to have my doubts
about that. Please....don't give the guy a break just because he's a former
Celtic. Paul Silas is sitting there without a job. Dave Cowens is apparently
talking to the Knicks about becoming an Assistant Coach. Anybody....Anybody
could do a better job of coaching this team. And what about the stranglehold
Walker has on O'Brien? Do you actually believe that's going away anytime
soon? And what do you think O'Brien will say if he's asked about a point
guard? He'll probably start talking about how he wanted his team back,
including the point guard they shipped out, and how everything worked fine
back then. "Of course we need a point guard," he'll say. So what does that
tell you? What that tells me is that the team is controlled by a higher,
well, lower force who demanded the point guard be traded for a Tub of Goo.
Which only tells me that O'Brien is helpless and worthless. Which only tells
me that Ainge, a good man, is going down fast. Please..."good move by
management to keep it short?" What's wrong with you Way? Have you fallen
under the spell of, as our president loves to say, "The Evil One?" Should we
add you to the list of the damned?

Paul M.