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on Ainge's interview

Good stuff, Ray.  It always bothers me, though, to hear
people (even Ainge) talk about how much better Indy,
Detroit, and NJ are than the Celtics.  Prior to this season's
swoon, I don't see how anyone can say that the Pacers
or Pistons are better.  We were the ones who beat them
in the playoffs the last two years!   That's how you judge
teams, not by regular season record -- as Ainge well knows.

Sorry to hear that Obie's vote of confidence was just that --
but doesn't it bother Ainge at all that Jones, Perkins, and
Hunter are racking up DNPs?  Or how the team is reverting
to Obieball?  No one who gets the chance ever asks him
the right questions.  When I have in the past he always says
what he knows you want to hear, though.
