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Re: All You O'Brien Groupies Can Rejoice

For those who missed it, there was an article in the Globe
today, that basically explained how Red had a discussion with the new owners and among other things convinced them that they needed to extend the assistants now to remove the
On the bright, it made it sound like it was only a 1 year extension so that the asst's contracts ran out at the same
time as OB.
On the down side there was also a lot of talk of the new owner's wish to extend OB soon.


Translation: they waited to see how the Celtics will do in the playoffs, and they like the fact that there will be at least two more playoff games in the Fleecenter. Isiah gets his revenge, even if he's unaware of it.
I can only hope the owners will not do likewise for the rest of the BDT. To those who think we of the anti-BDT persuasion are in hiding, I'll say this: nothing has changed, except Toine has decided to play the way he should've been playing all along those six years, and we're playing against a team that doesn't have it together and has an impostor for a coach (those two are related). I have no doubt that, should we run into NJ next, we'll get our heads handed to us, just like last season. Similarly, I have no doubt that the old Twan will return next season, if not sooner, and with him Obieball and all its sequelae. We're destined for this ugly crap that they call basketball and for this mediocrity as long as we're de facto coached by Twan. And with this development, there's no doubt Toine's max extension contract is being typed up. As Mark has noted, Twan and Obie are so inseparable, they might as well be Siamese twins.
Speaking of handing out contracts, I'm sure they will give Waltuh a long-term contract next, another mistake. As great as he's played, he's is the quintessential contract-year player. He needs job insecurity to pay attention to his job. I'd give him a fatter one-year contract instead, or have a second year at the team option if he balks at that.
I'm happy that the Celtics are playing well and Pierce is amazing again, but all this is dampened by the implications of this modest success, which - as we have just seen with the re-signing of the coaching staff - are very real. We're winning the battle, but losing the war.